Orthopedic Uses for Felted Wool Pads
Wool is an alive and responsive fiber and when used for orthopedic uses is very comfortable. The properties of the wool fiber allows the felt piece to breath thus it is warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
The wool I used is an all natural product and does not hurt the sheep when they are sheared.
When making the wool felt pads to be used with a prosthetic appliances, I found that a two layer felt piece works the best. It is thick enough to add a real comfort to the wearer, but thin enough to not interfere with the fit of the prosthetic.
When wanting a felt pad for the use of a pad to sit or lay on, I found that 3 or 4 layers worked the best.
I used a blend of 4 different breeds of sheep. They are Montadale, Columbia, the belly wool of the Targhee, and also the Suffolk breeds. The reason for the use of these breeds is because they are produced locally and readily available. The Montadale fleece added the right length, the Columbia added a softness, the Targhee was used for the fast felting ability and the added softness, along with the Suffolk breed was chosen as it is easily available.
24″ X 24″ 2 layers thick…………..$ 29.98
24″ X 24″ 3 layers thick…………..$ 38.98
12″ X 6″ 2 layers thick…………..$ 19.98
12″ X 6″ 3 layers thick…………..$ 15.98
We can make wool felt pads for your specific needs in size and thickness. For additional sizes or thickness please contact us.